Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's the most wonderful?!?!?! time of the year.

All the heat lamps are on at each train platform. The appearance of down parkas has become the norm. The forecast mentions a chance of snow...and we're all reminded just how depressing it is to head to work in the dark.

Tis the season where I take the bus four blocks to the train because I'm too cold to walk the extra seven minutes.

It's the time of year where I sit much closer than is socially accepted no matter how crowded the train is, just to steal a little bit of warmth from my neighbor. Creepy, I know, but I seek to present you with an honest account of my CTA dealings at all times.

Pretty soon, we'll all be huddled around a heat lamp on the platform trying to avoid the cold, dark morning and remember winter doesn't last forever...just through March. Sometimes April. It's Chicago. 

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